In the middle of the day all of the shadows from the windows cast their beauty on each Serra piece. This was the day of Dress Rehearsal/Sound Check and pretty much perform for all of the major players of the DIA:Beacon Museum.

We each decided to have one hemispherical speaker in each structure. There were 4 large speakers (2 on each side of the gallery) on the outside of the gallery and we agreed on the importance of localized sound within our structures. In the end it really worked nicely for my structure which had the longest hallway to walk through before you got to the center. So my structure was like a huge speaker when I localized my sound.

Originally I place myself nearest to the back portion of the structure mainly because I didn't want people to fell like they were imposing on my space. Since the Serra pieces are so large I felt that it was a public space and so if they saw my back they would feel more at ease walking around.

Here is a map of the museum. We're in good company....

The shadow in my structure....

Merce and his assistant watching the dancers rehearse in the south wing, my structure is next to Merce.

Dancers in the north wing.

Merce was very hands on and watched his dancers every day during their warm up. They practice in silence, with Merce just clapping his hands to a 4/4 rhythm. It was very soothing to hear when your in a space like that.

Me, waiting for my cue....

The dancers really admired Merce, you can see their dedication to him in their body language. It was really inspiring to watch.

He speaks softly, but everything he has to say is important.

My view from my chair....god....I wish I was there right now.....

Saturday performance. Waiting for my cue.

I decided to move myself into the middle rather that closer to the back because I wasn't comfortable with the original set up. This felt better.

So each performance was 38 minutes long and each musician had to not play for 18 minutes of the 38. While the performance was happening people were free to walk into each structure, I kind of felt like a zoo animal.

These re all of the pictures that I have for the Saturday performance. Tomorrow will be the Sunday performance with photos of me with Merce and the crew, and one with Jasper Johns! He was really sweet and it was nice to have met him. Such an icon!